IOTW: Choice Scarf

I'm going to try something a little different with this article. It's going to be in more of a narrative form than a purely informational one like usual. I just thought you might like something a bit lighter in your Pokéreading. It still has all of the details and mechanics of the item like you are looking for, but just in the package of a little story. If you do or don't like it, please leave feedback in the comments. I'll do some more like this if you like it, and stop if you hate it. So here it goes, a story about Choice Scarf.

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029 Pokemon Green Verison

In this epsisde the PKMNcast interviews Khoury from the Anime. Khoury (Japanese: カズナリ Kazunari) is a Trainer from Johto as well as a friend of Lyra's. They both debuted in An Egg Scramble!.

We also talk about some Pokémon News such as the give aways with Black and White. We go over a featured team, PKMN of the Week, Critical Hit, and we talk about the expos we will be at such as C2E2 and Midwest Gaming Classic. #love


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 Host: Steve || Guests: Catie and Wil and Kirb

Show notes: Khoury Info