Saturday Sketch
/The third (and least liked) of the legendary birds gets a much needed upgrade.
The reds and oranges in this blend together well and and really help the white of its body and black of the background stand out!
Moltres by Cockrocket is an overall great piece that shows this bird can actually manage to look pretty awesome
Saturday Sketch
/This week we've got Baby Spider by PurpleKecleon. Can you say adorable? Though sipders and I don't get along very well I can't help but give a girlish squeal when I see one of these guys. :D
Saturday Sketch
/HOOOOLY Bulbasaur! I was totally blown away the second I set on eyes on this Yanmask Speedpaint by Leashe! Yamask is by far the most disturbing Pokemon created. If you haven't had a change to read its Pokedex entry, here you go:
Pokemon White: "These Pokémon arose from the spirits of people interred in graves in past ages. Each retains memories of its former life."
Pokemon Black: "Each of them carries a mask that used to be its face when it was human. Sometimes they look at it and cry."
Well, Thanks Nintendo. D:
Saturday Sketch
/This week i'm posting this cute little sculpture of the 3 chandeler pokemon: Litwick, Lampent and (shiny) Chandelure!
"This sculpture took a very long time. With the marbles, I have to bake certain parts over the marble, while others I have to superglue on. Baking alone takes about 15 minutes for one little piece, so that is where most of my time put into this went."
This is truely something awesome!
Saturday Sketch
TOMORROW! BLACK! WHITE! I'm mad excited!!
For this week's sketch i've chosen a little something to show us how far we've come since 1998! I found this someplace on Tumblr and so I don't know who the artist of this image here is but I really enjoy their work.
I'll see you guys next week! (If we're not glued to our DSes that is)