068 The Social Network

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In this episode - SBJ - Kenny - and - Matt - go in depth with some Anime, news regarding a fake Pokémon app, and possibly a new Pokémon game coming out. On top of all that we have a Pokémon of the Week to celebrate the past holiday, as well as, Kenny might be getting a Twitter.

Host: SBJ | Guests: Kenny & Matt

Vote for us in #podcast for the Shorty Awards!

If you use Twitter, jump over to the Shorty Awards to nominate us in #podcast! Remember, you have to have a reason, otherwise it doesn't count. Last year we won with 50 some votes. We want to shoot for 100+ this year. 

I nominate @pokemonpodcast for a Shorty Award in #podcast because...

We THANK EVERYONE IN ADVANCE who take the time to tweet us a vote!

Vacation for VGCs

I will be taking the next week off. During this time... I will be driving 8 hours to Indiana to compete in the VGCs. Hopefully, I make it past the last chance quailifier. If I do, then I move onto Saturday/Sunday!

I will be updating info on my Twitter or via the Facebook group. Even possibly Tumblr.

Any orders placed will be shipped late next week. Any e-mails for concerns, comments, questions, will be answered next week as well. Sorry for any inconvenience. 

Good news from all this is that we will open up Grey League officially when I get back.  

Thanks for being awesome!

Wish me luck,

<3 SBJ

T-Shirt Winners

We are proud to announce the winners of our Poli-Shirt contest. Please come in contact with us so we can send you your shirt. Here we go:

Website Winner - Ben H.

Facebook Winner - Katy B.

Twitter Winner - Tim S.

Thanks for everyone who participated. Your all winners! If you didn't win or you don't have a Poli-Shirt, we are running a short sale on the website for Christmas day only. Take the jump to see the discount!


What is PKMNcast?

A lot of news this Monday.

If you follow my personal twitter, you would have saw that the other night I bought two new domain names!

One of those I have already mentioned: pkmnstore.com

You can also type in pokemon.goodsie.com - but we like our new URL better!

So in not wanting to be sued by Nintendo and/or GameFreak and/or the Pokémon Company, I cannot make a real logo for the site with the word "Pokémon" - but since I own the domain: www.pokemonpodcast.com - that is my right (that I OWN) to put onto shirts. I think every site needs a logo, and while this post isn't about our new logo (which is coming), it is about our new domain. 

We will ALWAYS call the site Pokemon Podcast DOT com, but to make things easier, you can just type "pkmncast.com" into your browser to jump over to our site now. Pretty cool, right?

You probably guessed it, we can't use Pokémon in a logo, but we can use PKMN. Clever, right?

Twitter Contest

We are starting a Twitter contest because of the Holiday week. We are giving away a copy of the Pokémon Pocket Pokédex away for free. You just have to follow us on Twitter and Retweet our giveaway post. We will end the contest on Monday and announce the winner. No catch, super easy, and you can win a free gift. Awesome, right?


Giveaway open only to legal residents of the United States.

Entrants must have an active account with Twitter to participate in this giveaway and must follow @pokemonpodcast to be eligible.

Signing up for Twitter is free of charge. Go to www.twitter.com to create an account. Search for @pokemonpodcast and begin following if you are not already signed up and already following us.

To enter, participants must tweet or re-tweet the following:
Win a Pokémon Pocket Pokédex! Retweet this and follow @pokemonpodcast to win! #itssupereffective

No purchase necessary to enter or claim prize.