072 Wow (Midwest Gaming Classic Recap Show)
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Host: SBJ | Guests: A Full Cast
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Host: SBJ | Guests: A Full Cast
Hello everyone, Kenny here with some news bigger than Black and White 2; I finally have a Twitter account! You can now follow me at @SuperBayleef on Twitter. Super cool, I know. You can thank Steve for the account.
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Host: SBJ | Guests: Kenny & Matt
Remember on the podcast where we talked about having one of you guys design a shirt? Well... today is that day. You will be able to submit your designs to leftovers@me.com. We will take all the designs and and start the voting on Oct 31st! Voting will go for about a week and then the winner will have their shirt made. The winner will get 2 free shirts and a bundle package from us. Others will be able to pre-order the shirt once ready to ship.
• Keep colors under and/or around 6.
• Do not use anything off Google, use your own artwork.
• Drawing PKMN will usually get denied, be more creative.
• Be careful will full art designs & wrapping around the shirt.
• Not every design will be picked for voting. Sorry in advance.
Rules can change at any time.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
One hundred million years ago, an ancient creature esided on the murky depths of the seafloor, eagerly awaiting any unsuspecting prey that might so happen to swim by. The wait was usually long and harsh, but well worth it. When something did happen to swim by, this creature of the depths hungrily extended its tentacle-like petals, grabbed the little morsel, and devoured it whole. Although this may sound like the premise to some horror movie I am, as a matter of fact, speaking of this week's Pokémon of the week; Lileep! Bet you never saw the cute little Rock/Grass Type in such a sinnister light, huh?
While SBJ departs "It's Super Effective", Kenny takes over the show as the new Host. Kenny has turned "It's Super Effective" into "It's Super Bayleef". Please open him with warm arms for the new version of this podcast. Please hear Kenny out until the END of the show. #seriously
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Host: Kenny
Episode 031, the first of the Revamped shows we are doing. Why is it "revamped" - well... because we have two brand new guests on it. SBJ talks with Kenny and Travis about Pokemon Black and White, as well as, Rayquaza, News regarding Bento Boxes, and more. We also have some awesome music by A-1. Enjoy!
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Host: Steve || Guests: Travis and Kenny
It's Super Effective is a weekly Pokémon podcast that you can find on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Simplecast, and Spotify. Get all your Pokemon 'Let’s Go Pikachu' and Pokemon ‘Let’s Go Eevee' coverage! Our Pokemon podcast covers 'Pokemon GO' and the 'Pokemon TCG' too. We provide the latest news for all things Pokémon on both the web and in podcast form! It's Super Effective is the highest rated Pokémon podcast in iTunes.
PKMNcast, including all news stories, original content, and original images are ©2010-2024 and may not be used without permission.
Pokémon is ©1995-2024 Nintendo, Creatures, and GAME FREAK. PKMNcast is a fan website and podcast which is not official in any way nor associated with the aforementioned companies. Copyright © 2010-2024 Steve Black Sarumi