Live Show at 7PM Tonight

For the first time ever... and possibly the last... SBJ will do a podcast during a Pokémon movie. Get your VCR or Blu-ray player ready to watch "Pokémon Destiny Deoxys (the Movie)" with SBJ!

Okay, back up... what does this mean?

Besides a short intro. SBJ will have Destiny Deoxys playing in real time as he comments his opinions about the movie. Like hearing people talk and make jokes during a film? Then you'll love this show! Make the show even better and watch the movie while you listen to SBJ complain and/or love parts of this featured movie. 

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Pokemon Announcement Coming Soon

Pokemon will have its first Jump Festa showing this year, and it looks like we can expect some sort of announcement. The latest issue of Jump has a blurb for the upcoming event which says "Pokemon makes first appearance at JF!! Surprising information on the show floor?" The blurb also teases that a "big surprise" awaits in the Pokemon booth.

This year's Jump Festa will be held on December 17th and 18th at Makuhari Messe.

Message from "SBJ"

Hey Guys!

First off, I want to thank all of the fans. I posted on my personal Twitter last night about some recent stuff going on... some good... some bad... The point of the matter is, you guys, the Fans, are the reason I wake up in the morning, the reason I stay up late working on the site, you guys are the reason I keep pushing through everyday. On a personal level, I’ve had a lot of dramatic changes in my life that have left me more so heartbroken then anything. While I feel like I am a strong person, I don’t think my days would go as well without hearing, talking, and communicating with you guys. So thank you all so much. 

Your probably wondering why I am taking time out of your busy schedule to write a letter.

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040 F.E.A.T.U.R.E.D.T.E.A.M.

Happy Easter!

SBJ and crew runs down FIVE different Featured Teams. Not only that, but we cover some news and Pokemon of the Week. On top of all that, SBJ reveals what this #June1st thing is about. This two hour epic has a ton of new guest as well. SBJ, Kenny, Wil, Don, and Scott all talk about Pokémon for YOU for Easter. How sweet! Hope you like your Teams reviewed!

[iTunes Link] [Zune Link] [RSS Link]

Host: Steve ||Guests: Kenny, Wil, Don, Scott


Sunday is last day to Pre-Order these shirts!

Podcasts and Site News

So your probably curious why there hasn't been content this week? Well don't worry. We have a big episode of Critical Hit coming this Friday for you to watch, if you can't watch, then we turned that version into an Audio Version for episode 028. This episode we will announce the winners of the Pikachu Contest. 

Also, there has been some crazy snow here, so I've been so busy with other stuff. We have some big, cool changes coming along with new shirts coming too!

Still try to love us, please!