Twitch 3.0 Players Should Consult the Helix
/If you downloaded the Twitch 3.0 app, you're in for a surprise. Upon not finding what you originally intended, the app cleverly tells you to "Consult Helix Fossil".
This alone shows the impact that Twitch Plays Pokémon had on Twitch in the last month. I think we can also safely say that even though Twitch suffered downtime, chat overload, and other minor issues, Twitch was pretty happy with the impact and success of TPP.
“Consult Helix Fossil, perhaps?”
Besides the Helix, what else is new in Twitch 3.0?
• Beautiful, cleaner interface
• Search expanded to include offline channels, people & games
• Better chat experience with new moderation and emoticon tools
• New profiles for broadcasters -- learn about your favorite channels, even if they’re offline
• iPad specific: new player layout that lets you watch & chat together side by side, easy access to the viewers list, and updated gestures to get you to content quicker