Hiring Illustrator

While we look over applications for a writing position, which we are still doing (stay tuned), we need someone who can draw! More importantly, someone who can draw Pok mon well. PKMNcast is looking for an illustrator to get a job done this week. More particularly, we are looking to make a poster and sell it this weekend at Midwest Gaming Classic and then online. Work would have to be done before Wednesday night, that being said, you would get a cut of the profit. E-mail us and let us know! While I could just take PNGs and make a poster, I will not sell someone else's copyrighted artwork, but if it's yours and your looking to make a couple bucks, let us know!

E-mail Us! and/or just pokemonpodcast@me.com

Include in the subject line "Illustrator".

Please include artwork with application.



Plusle and Minun Shirts

We've talked about news shirts for the last couple weeks. Then we took it to the next level. Not only did we bring you one new shirt, but we brought you TWO new shirts! On top of that, if you buy both shirts you save money!!! Normally shirts are $18.99, but if you buy both you save $8 and get both for a low price of $30 + shipping. Not bad?

There are a total of 100 shirts, 50 of each color. So these are pretty rare. Pre-Order today and they will ship early next week!

How do you feel about this shirts? Let us know in the comments!

Go to PKMNstore

Pre-Order Black and White

Amazon Pre-Order (No, we are not making any money off this, we are just excited!) Are you getting Black or White?Finally you can now Pre-Order Black and White off Amazon. Their release data may not be correct, but if you Pre-Order you lock your price in at $35. Also, Pre-Ordering on Amazon doesn't use any of your money. You pay in full when your item ships. Why have GameStop hold your $5 in their bank when it can sit in your bank. Last year Amazon did release day shipping, so let's hope they do it again come spring (of course they will). So exciting!

Win a Pikachu DS Charging Stand... For FREE!

Last month we gave away a FREE PokéDex to a lucky winner who reviewed us in iTunes. Thank you for everyone else who entered. The contest required a bit of work last month, and we are going to make this contest a bit easier, but pretty similar. 

So this month we are giving away a Pikachu Charging Stand (will charge any DS, DSi, and/or DSi XL). This guy is currently only available from Play-Asia for $40... then they stick you with another $20 to ship it. Fear not! All you have to do is enter our contest to win!

The Rules:
1. Review us in iTunes!*
2. Tell your friends to Review us in iTunes!
3. Get us up to 100 Reviews in iTunes.
4. E-mail us your Review to enter to WIN.
5. Then WIN!

So we are ONLY giving away...

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