Message from "SBJ"

Hey Guys!

First off, I want to thank all of the fans. I posted on my personal Twitter last night about some recent stuff going on... some good... some bad... The point of the matter is, you guys, the Fans, are the reason I wake up in the morning, the reason I stay up late working on the site, you guys are the reason I keep pushing through everyday. On a personal level, I’ve had a lot of dramatic changes in my life that have left me more so heartbroken then anything. While I feel like I am a strong person, I don’t think my days would go as well without hearing, talking, and communicating with you guys. So thank you all so much. 

Your probably wondering why I am taking time out of your busy schedule to write a letter.

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Featured Team of the Week

This is such an exciting week. The new Poli-Shirts ship this week, Critical Hit launches this week, we've come back strong then ever with some awesome episodes, and today we have a great Featured Team.

Today's team is one of our own Editors. You may know her as doing the Saturday Sketch every weekend. Amazing. Let's be a little tough on Catie's team this week, eh? Now, she's now allowed on Episode 022, and neither is Wil. Just to be fair... but we have a great returning guest. Stay tuned!


Want to be on this Team?

Pokémon Podcast is growing and expanding! We are currently looking for editors. As most of you know, I am the only one who runs the site and podcast. I've gotten some people asking me if they could contrbiute to the site, which I thought, would be AWESOME! 

If you want to help the site out, shoot an e-mail over here. From there we can talk about what you would like to contribute and such.

Thanks for the support.