Rare Article: 3 Alternative VGC Strategies
/But what if you want to do something at least a tad gimmicky, if only for the element of surprise? Well, I've got you covered. Here are three VGC strategies that won't be expected, and therefore, hopefully won't be prepared for by your opponent.
Rare Article: (Not as Obvious) Pokemon that Should Have Different Typing
/But all of these are obvious examples. What Pokémon are out there that deserve a different typing that aren't quite as salient? Don't worry. That little brain of yours doesn't have to do any more flexing than it needs to, because I've got a handy list here after the jump.
Charizard's Revenge
/Since there will be no Featured Team this holiday week... due to the holidays. I thought I would share this gem with you that Wil brought to my attention. Very awesome! Enjoy!