PKMN of the Week: Cresselia


I am still down here in Austin - the SXSW Music Conference is wrapping up and I will soon be enjoying many hours of much needed sleep.

During SXSW, depending on your point of view, the city of Austin can turn into a nightmare-scape.  All of downtown is closed off and literal hoards of people of all types - punk, country, hip hop, death metal, hipster, frat bros - mix in the streets (something along the lines of those first destruction scenes in Cloverfield).  The bass is turned up so loud in every club it sounds like explosions are going off from miles away.  The air hangs heavy with smoke of all kinds and laser lights project across the buildings overhead.  You can get caught up in the whirlwind of bands to see, take a turn down a wrong street, and stumble into a Harouki Zombi performance.

What balm can aid the troubled mind in such a scenario?  Who will come to your aid, bring you peace, and end the torment of phantasm?

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PKMN of the Week: Hydreigon

Sometimes, PKMN of the Week travels to far off locations like Austin, TX.  Sometimes, PKMN of the Week gets caught up in the heady party atmosphere of the SXSW Conference.  Sometimes, PKMN of the Week wakes up in the morning feeling like soldiers from Panzer Command are marching through his head - Eins! Zwei! Drei!

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