The Legend of the Whimsy Tackle

The Legend of the Whimsy Tackle 

Well folks, I'm going to cut to the chase. The only sure way to win in the Pokémon card game is at your doorstep. Just right ahead in this article you will find out the greatest secret of the TCG discovered eons ago by the ancestor of your very own sbj, the great pirate, sbJambeard. This secret is not for the faint of heart or those lacking a sense of humor. So prepare yourself for the grand unstoppable, incredible, legendary, fantastic, Exodia doesnt have BULBASAUR on this Pokémon card, invulnerable, consistent, and fabulous force of..........DUN DUH DUH DUHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!


Well I'm sure you know I am kidding by now but there is a lesson to this card. A lesson to be told in a dramatic style like the intro to “The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring”. 

The legend of the Whimsy Tackle tells of a boy- a faithful Pokémon  player- who was trapped in a world of darkness known as “High School”, where the great Pokémon was forbidden. He went out on a journey to the Bayshore Mall and Town Center to seek a Pokémon League, a haven for people like him. He arrived safely and soon became known for his, “Skillzz that Killz” at the league. He had gone to the haven for some time now but yearned to achieve greater things. One day, a traveling wise man and his wing man, @aaronspriggs came to town. The boy had heard great things of the pair and wished to meet them and battle them. The boy greeted and thanked them for coming to the league. He then battled them both and won each game. @aaronspriggs using Steelix and the wise man using the Slowpoke. Feelings of happiness from mopping the floor with the two soon diminished. The boy inquired the wise man on the lack of happiness from winning. The wise man said winning is not all to Pokémon and showed the boy his favorite and beloved card, his Slowpoke.  The boy discovered then, that to achieve greater things in the Pokémon world, he would need friends and allies to help him. The wise man bestowed a great scripture upon the boy and left him to self discovery and said they would meet again some day.

The Great Scripture...

The boy now knew that he could only satisfy his yearning to achieve better things by helping to create a Pokémon Trading Card Game team within the PKMNcast community, and by writing for .

The team is "Team Whimsy Tackle" after the Slowpoke Steve played on the first day we met. It has become a symbol for defending all that is right from evil in the Pokémon TCG world. If you want to be a part of the team follow @whimsytackle on Twitter and mention us with any questions you may have about the TCG. Also post any questions you have about the TCG in PokéTalk and I will always help a Whimsy Tackler in need!

To conlcude...

I have listened to the podcast since Eveetober and have been a fan starting then. Looking back I had no idea I would be here now helping throw a Pokémon surprise birthday and anniversary party for sbj and the PKMNcast 8 months later. I couldn't have fathomed becoming a part of the team and posting about the TCG. I appreciate being given the opportunity immensely. Here's to a year and many more. If Gamefreak ever “runs out of ideas”,  Pokémon may stop, but PKMNcast will keep on truckin'.