Saturday Sketch
Hello, Hello!
This is Kay, Your New Saturday Sketch Editor!
It's good to be here, Thanks for Asking!
So as the title says, I’ll be here to bring you a new Pokémon Themed sketch and or Image each week!
So without further ado, let’s start this thing off right!
Here we have a collaboration of all of the first 150 Pokémon, well that is to say also including Mew and a special guest along from Pokémon Red/Blue/Green Versions. "Can you see who/what it is?"
So many Pokémon crammed into such a small space, The Ditto in the Middle must be going crazy with Transform confusion!
Out of so many Pokémon today, just think of all 649 together in collaboration!
The image was crafted in the Program 'Paint Tool SAI', by the artist Jen-Jen-Rose on deviantARt.
Being PKMNcast's new Saturday Sketch Editor I am always open for suggestions on the next or upcoming Saturday Sketch articles.
Please send your Suggestions to
Thanks all for reading! I'l be back next week with more to give ya'll!
This is Kay signing off!