IOTW: Red Card

This item, the Red Card, is new to Gen V. There are few people who have heard of it, and there are even fewer Pokémon sources who have written about its potential in battle. Walp, I'm here to hook you up with the deets (as in details. Look at me, using the lingo.) Pokémon Podcast is about to shoot your face full of facts, and probably facts you haven't heard before.

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IOTW: Choice Band

Hey everybody. It's Travis. I've been a long time fan of It's Super Effective and Critical Hit, and I noticed that something was missing in the arsenal of returning articles on the website. That something was a discussion of Pokémon items. We have move and ability of the week already, so it just made sense to add in items. I will mostly focus on hold items and their relation to competitive battling, but I might talk about non-battle items at some point down the road.

 This week we will be looking at Choice Band. Choice Band has the awesome ability to boost the user's attack by 50%. That way, you don't have to waste a few turns building up a swords dance or dragon dance to get your attack up. So why doesn't every physical sweeper and its grandmother have choice band?

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