PKMN of the Week: Volcarona

Can you think back to the days when you first emerged from the Day Care Center?  The old man and woman who run the place, they were certainly surprised to find an egg when your trainer had left two Pokémon to be raised there.  Then again, we all suspect the old couple may be a bit senile - they are always surprised when they find an egg, even after they have found hundreds of eggs.  Oh well, they mean no harm.

Your trainer added you to his or her party.  There you were, an egg amongst Pokéballs, wiggling up and down and bopping with every step your trainer took.  How long before you hatched?  How many steps would be necessary?

Were you cold and alone in those days or were you gently warmed; warmed by the presence of another Pokémon in your party?  Did that warmth encourage your growth?  Did it gently coax you from your shell home?

My fellow Pokémon, I mean trainers, I will tell you - every egg that I hatch gets hatched in half the time.  Why?  Because of the loving warmth of my Volcarona, David Hugs.

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Featured Team 56

I know, I know, your life has been on hiatus because there hasn't been a Featured Team for 27 days, 11 hours, 23 minutes, and 30 seconds...but who's counting? Anywho...get ready to blast back into a new Featured Team! This is Matt's team, he doesn't know too much about EV or IV stats, he feels like he has a good foundation but needs help perfecting it. Give him your $0.02 and make him a *Bulbasaur*ing Champion.
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