Rare Article: 3 Things Newer Competitive Players Miss

Beginning to understand competitive battling mechanics is, actually, pretty easy. It's fully mastering competitive strategy that gets very, very tough. I am by no means an expert (that last clause is pronounced "please don't make me feel sad by yelling at me if I get something wrong,) but here are three things that I've learned during my time playing Pokémon competitively that weren't very obvious at first.
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Rare Article: Travis' Ubers Impressions

I've always been turned off by the "Ubers" tier (which allows all Pokémon to be used, including the really strong legendary ones). Fighting matches where anything goes just didn't appeal to me. I only recently tried my first Ubers match, and I was surprised by not only the depth of strategy involved, but also how different it is to an average match with a banlist. I thought I would post some of the things I enjoyed about it. Now I am no longer thinking about doing that, for as I type I am indeed posting some of the things I enjoyed about it. Please comment below if that joke was even remotely funny. Anyway, here are my impressions of Gen V Ubers.
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