Catcher and the Raichu

If there is a single card in the Emerging Powers set that is making a disruption it is Pokemon Catcher ( This reprint of the old favorite Gust of Wind gives you the ability to disrupt your opponent's field and set up. The simple way to use this card, bring up a Pokemon you can knock out that turn, score an easy prize. This card gives any deck an edge only equal to Quick Claw. It allows for decks with a fast set up the chance for an easy sweep.  What's the best way to shut down a deck running stage 1 or stage 2 Pokemon? Knock out every basic they play to their bench, and Catcher should give you the chance.
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You're a Loser, Make it Count

The worst part about any competitive game is having to take the loss. Even in a game between the top two decks from nationals, played by the best strategic minds, it will result in a winner and a loser.  Pokemon TCG gives players two cards that help the underdog to the top of the Houndour-pile. These two cards are Twins ( and Black Belt (
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My Powers are Emerging, Pre-release Coverage

Playing in a limited format, like the prerelease, is an entirely different game. Cards that you never thought would be playable can win you games and some of the cards you’re most excited for in the set won’t pull the weight they would in constructed. I’m going to lay out the rules for a prerelease tournament so if you are already knowledgeable you can skip the next paragraph and check out my deck list.
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