PKMN of the Week: Dragonite

It's very still tonight, very quiet.  The dark is darker than usual and you can feel it as a presence in the room.  You put on a record but even that sounds oddly quiet - too far away.  You are alone and, strangely, your loneliness feels like a companion tonight.

Have you ever been out to sea?  In my youth I was a sailor - I've had the opportunity to sail both the Pacific and Atlantic.  When night falls on the ocean you learn what isolation is.  There is no one around for miles and, even if you knew where they were, how would you get to them?  The winds are still, the skies are clear, and you are staring out into a universe of cold stars.

Listen, though, are you truly alone?  There is life under the water.  You can hear the small waves ripple and splash against the hull - but what is that other noise?  Something deep, groaning, a bass so profound.  Some far off cargo ship plying the ocean on it's way to Europe or Asia?  Could it be something else, an antediluvian moan from an indescribable creature of the depths?

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Rare Article: Leads

A three legged dog walks into a bar and says, "I wanna know the guy who shot my paw."

Ok, bad joke. And a terrible thing to lead with for this article. Speaking of leads...

In Pokémon it is imperative to get off on the right foot. A slow start can be debilitating and cost you the match. That's what a good lead Pokémon should prevent. Leads come in many varieties, and this week I'll highlight a few.
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IOTW: Life Orb

Sup, Pokégals and Pokébros. Item of the Week up in hizzle. I forgot about writing this until 12:31 AM the morning that I have to write this. Here's to hoping I find my muse in this twilight hour.

For those unfamiliar, the Life Orb boosts the strength of all attacks by 30%, at the cost of 10% of your HP for every attack you make. This is essentially God's (or should it be Arceus'?) gift to mixed sweepers. Where physical and special sweepers have choice band and specs, respectively, the closest thing a mixed sweeper can have is the Life Orb. The choice items boost attack by 50%, but restrict you to one move. The Life Orb doesn't get you stuck on one move, so you can switch from a physical to a

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