Featured Team

So it's been a long time since the last Featured Team.  How many Black and White seasons have passed?  Well, a lot.  But I am back in action!

Who's ready for Black 2 and White 2?  I know I am!  And I look forward to your Black 2 and White 2 teams.


AOTW: Healer

Ugh, folks, I’m sorry, I know this article is late. I spent the entirety of last week helping my girlfriend move from one side of the country to the other, and if you’ve never tried that… trust me. It’s an exhausting process. I also thought that I had prewritten enough articles that I was covered, but apparently not, so I apologize. Still pretty spent from the whole ordeal, I could use a boost… (I swear, I don’t plan for things in my personal life to sync up with the chosen Ability like this, but) this is Ability of the Week: Healer!
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