060 H as in Homeless

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SBJ tackles things with Travis and our Tumblr Editor, Saul. We talk about how SBJ will be homeless soon, Pokémon news including the new RPG DS game announce in Japan, as well as, PokéPark 2. On top of all that, we go over a Featured Team. Also touching on a holiday themed Pokémon of the Week!

Host: SBJ | Guests: Travis & Saul

060 H as in Homeless

PKMNcast Contest Time!

Easy contest for you guys! Yayyy!

PKMNcast is giving away 5, 60-Card Binders with Victini on one side with Hydreigon on the other. All you have to do to win is to leave a comment below of why you like the card game. Or even post an experience you had with the card game. Once doing so, Friday we will pick winners and get your address and send these out to you! If your out of the USA, that's okay too!

Any questions, please ask!