Our Top 5 Pokémon Websites

We love Pokémon, obviously, so we put together our favorite sites that we check often and just enjoy visiting. Please let us know your input on our list. In other words, let us know what sites we missed! The Podcast can use some more talking points for a future episode. That being said, here we go!


5. GameFAQs So this isn't technically a Pokémon site. It's a site to get info, the guides, cheats... everything to make it through your game. Let's be honest though. Anyone playing any of the Pokémon games probably used this site many times. Don't lie to yourselves now.


 4. Serebii

Every Pokémon fanboy has probably heard of this site. Serebii is always up to date and the latest news, strategy, and all your Pokémon needs. It's a GREAT site to get your Pikachu's fix on. Only gripe is the site could use a web/graphic designer.



Most of you probably haven't heard of this Tumblr blog. Well... it's new to us to! Don't let that bother you, this is quite the blog. This site doesn't have any news or strategy, but it's full of amazing Pokémon art. Check it out!


2. Albotas

Again, this isn't a Pokémon only site like Serebii, BUT, this site loves Pokémon as much as we do. Our site doesn't really strive on news, but if we are looking for Pokémon news, this is where we go. Not only does this site pimp the Pokémon, but they have a ton of great nerd stuff that any Fanboy of the Charmander would enjoy.


1. Bulbapeida Our favorite site. Why? Why not!? This site is where you go to get the hard facts. You want to know when you Geodude evolves, you got it. Curious when your Jynx learns lovely kiss, they got it. Bulbapedia is the Wikipeida (duh) of the Pokémon world. Stats, Stats, Stats! You need reliable information to destroy your friends, you come here!