MOTW: Hurricane

Hey guys, Kenny here! I know I just posted last week's MOTW yesterday, but I figured no one would mind if I still went ahead and wrote another one this week. This time, we will be looking at a powerful Flying-Type move; Hurricane!

Hurricane is a Special-Category Flying-Type move, with a natural PP count of 10 that can be bumped up to a maxumum of 16, 120 Power, and 70% accuracy, and has a 30% chance of confusing the foe (essentially making it a Flying-Type variant of Thunder, but with a chance of inflicting Confusion rather than Paralysis). In one turn, you could potentially severly damage your opponent, confuse them, and then sit back and relax as they end up taking the rest of their own HP out by hitting themselves. Talk about a powerful move!

Now, now, I know what you're thinking; it's a strong move, but...

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MOTW: Simple Beam

Hey guys, Kenny here. I'm still not feeling my best, but I figured that I'd still do my duty and write a MOTW article (especially since I didn't write one last week). This week's move... Simple Beam! Kind of a weird move, huh? Anyway, let's get down to business.

Simple Beam is a Normal-Type status-inducing move with 100% accuracy, and 15 PP (which can be maxed out to 24). When used, the target of the attack has their Ability temporarily changed to the "Simple" Ability. A Pokémon with the "Simple" Ability is doubly affected by any stat change. This means that, for example, the move Harden would increase the user's Defense by 2 stages rather than 1, if that same Pokémon were to have the "Simple" Ability.

How can this be put to use? Can it even be put to use at all? Well, of course it can! In Double Battles, you can attack your own Pokémon, right? Say one of your Pokémon were to know Simple Beam, and another Curse and Gyro Ball. By using Simple Beam on your Curse / Gyro Ball Pokémon, you could set up for a killer combo in one turn! That's twice the Attack and Defense boost, and twice the Speed loss. You could also just use it to get rid of an opponent's unwanted Ability. While there aren't a ton of uses for this move, Simple Beam is definitely more than just a throw-away move. Next time you're looking for a unique way to spice up a battle, give this move a try!

MOTW: Leech Seed

Hi everyone, Kenny here! Looks like I'm the new MOTW editor, so let's see if I can do this. I figured I'd start out by talking about my favorite move: Leech Seed. Why do I love Leech Seed? Well, as a little kid I thought it was awesome that you could basically hurt your opponent and get free HP. Plus, it was a Grass-Type move, and I absolutely love Grass-Types.


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MOTW: Christmas Edition!

Sup everyone! Firstly I deeply apologize for my huge delay on posting the move of the week. I finally got my internet connection to stably work! From now onwards we should sail smoothly... move of the week, every week, as promised! :) So Christmas is here once again in the Pokémon world. Let us revisit a move that give us the chills every time we hear it. And no it's not Blizzard.
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MOTW: Yaaaaaaaaaaawn

Okay, I have to say this: My internet sucks. Remember when the Internet was in its 56K era? That's how slow the connection at my home is. But maybe none of you had even heard of 56K for you're all young like that. And I'm ancient. Everytime I want to load up the PKMNCAST page, it stops at the banner and takes FOREVER to continue to load. So I would sit in front of the screen, open my mouth, and attack. Nope, not with Hyper Beam, because I don't wanna recharge. I would Yawn.
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MOTW: Perish Song

Pardon me, Wil, I'm gonna have me some ambiance music for my article here as well.

This is the song, lalalala, Perish Song...
Lalalala, lalalala, Perish Song... (No one likes it!)
Lalala, lalalala... (It's not a useless attack!)
Lalala, lalalala... (Agreed!)

I like to use, lalalala, Perish Song... (Oh, use it!)
Lalalala, lalalala, Perish Song!
Total destuction
is guaranteed
That's Perish Song!

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MOTW: Explosion

Whats! Up! E-very-bo-dy! This is Pierre (aka Politoedable) for your weekly Move of the Week! It's great to be here in the PKMNCAST universe with all of you guys, discussing one of my favourite aspects of the game: moves. I mean yes, abilities are important, and so are items. But when you think of it, it's the moves that drive the battle onward. Imagine God-almighty Arceus with Cut, Defog, Rock Smash, and Whirlpool. Not so tough now huh? Now of course no one gets that extreme to putting four near-useless HMs on the PKMNGOD, but hey, I’m just trying to prove a point.

So let's get our MotW started! I'd like to begin our epic MoTW journey with a boom. That's right guys, let's talk about EXPLOSION.

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MOTW: Tailwind

One of the most popular strategies of this year’s Pokemon VGC’s involved the move Tailwind. Tailwind doubles the Speed stat of the user and all other Pokémon in the player’s party for three turns. Out of the three genies introduced in 5th gen, the pure Flying-type Tornadus is suited to setting up Tailwind. Its ability, Prankster, allows non-attacking moves to gain +1 priority. This allows it to set up Tailwind with ease, and Taunt Trick Room users. It also has a powerful STAB Acrobatics which hits many Pokemon in VGC ‘11 for super effective damage. Let’s break it down in this week’s Move of the Week.


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One Year Already?...

Hello everybody and Happy Anniversary from @aaronspriggs and everyone else here at! It’s been a pretty baller year. From being the first guest host to writing articles on the site, it’s been an honor to be here almost as long as Steve has been.

First I want to give mad props to Steve for starting such an awesome podcast and site, and say thank you for sticking to it for so long now. We’ve gotten much better at this whole podcasting thing, lol

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